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Multi-Tiered System of Support

MTSS Overview

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a comprehensive school improvement framework that includes a continuum of evidence-based academic, behavioral and social-emotional supports and services to meet the needs of all students, including students with disabilities.


Seneca Valley is committed to supplementing our reading programs by providing additional support to students who may be struggling with various early literacy skills. The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework is being used to make sure every child in school receives the appropriate level of instruction that leads to proficiency in grade-level learning goals. As such, school staff ensure time is available to provide students with immediate instructional support when needed.   


Administrators and teachers use valid and reliable assessments closely aligned to instruction, as well as teacher input to help them choose the programming, materials and instruction to best meet the needs of students. The grade level interventionists supplement and support the instruction that all students receive in the general education classroom. In addition, the interventionists work closely with classroom teachers to enhance student learning.   


Students will receive small group instruction to target specific skills.  The level of support is flexible and based on student need. MTSS is NOT a special education program, but one designed for students who need additional and skill-based instruction to master early literacy skills. In addition, there will be careful monitoring of student progress. 


The interventions will occur during WIN (What I Need) time or another time within the school day when direct instruction is not occurring. WIN Time is a designated 30-minute time frame within each school day in which students participate in intervention or enrichment groups. These skill-based small groups may include 5-12 students and could take place in a child’s homeroom, another grade level teacher’s classroom or an interventionist’s classroom.