Helpful Resources

*Anxiety Articles
Anxiety in Children and Teenagers - Child Mind Institute
*Coping Strategies
*Grief and Loss Resources
Highmark Caring Place (Wexford, PA)
Coalition to Support Grieving Students
*Organization Skills
Helping your Child Get Organized
Organizing Tips | 10 Ideas to Help Get Your Child Organized | Understood
12 Ways To Develop Your Child's Organization Skills
*Focus and Attention Skills
*Career Links
PAWS in Jobland (using the free trial)
- Paws is a friendly dog that guides students through an adventure of exploring different career paths in Jobland.
- This is a safe and fun way for your child to become more aware of careers to choose from based on interests.
Virginia Career View
Virginia Career VIEW (
- Explore the 16 Career Clusters
*Social and Personal Development Links
Kids Health
- Kids Health is a comprehensive and easy to read informational website for parents/guardians. It provides explanations to better understand behaviors, health, emotions, and developmental stages for children through the teen years. It also includes a range of strategies and interventions that best meet the individual needs of a child and family.
Kidlutions: Solutions for Kids
*Links for Assistance
Butler Archives - Center for Community Resources (
Center for Community Resources -This website connects people to a range of support services in the area. The school believes in a team approach and the importance of working collaboratively with agencies that also support our students.
Salvation Army Butler Corps
The Salvation Army -The Salvation Army provides food distribution, programs for children, youth camps, disaster relief, and holiday charity programs, to name a few. Use the link below to find out more information.
Call 2-1-1 or 412-456-6774 for the United Way
Helps with food, avoiding eviction, caring for elderly family members, keeping utilities on, finding a job, finding a summer camp, protecting a friend, or becoming a volunteer.
*Other interesting articles
Growth Mindset:
Fostering a Growth Mindset in Children (