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Fun Run
Crest Coins
New Recess Activities on the Bus Loop

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If an incident occurs on the bus between students, please contact the school your child attends. The school administrator will investigate the concern. If you have a concern regarding the vehicle your child is riding or the bus driver, please call ABC Transit at (724) 473-4500 or the Transportation Department at (724) 452-6040, ext. 1758.

This Year's Theme:

Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
School Day
Student School Day Begins 8:55 a.m. 
*Student Tardy after 8:55 a.m.
Walkers/Car Rider Arrival Begins at 8:40 a.m. 
Bus Arrival 8:45 a.m.-8:55 a.m.
 Kindergarten Mid Day
 AM Kindergarten Dismissal 11:30 a.m. 
PM Kindergarten Arrival 12:43 p.m.
*PM Student Kindergarten Tardy after 12:50 p.m.
PM Kindergarten - Grade 4 Student Dismissal  
Car Pick-Up 3:25 p.m. 
Bus 3:25-3:50 p.m. 

Early Dismissal and Changes to PM transportation

        ***Fill out and submit Electronic Dismissal Form in the attendance tab, in the parent portal.***
ALWAYS bring a photo ID when picking up a child or visiting our school.